Studio Herckt
Important Dates
July 01, 2019: Call for NOI (Notice of Intent to Submit)
July 22, 2019: NOI Deadline
August 07, 2019: Project submission link sent to projects that submitted an NOI and met all criteria for entry
August 21, 2019: Completed Project submissions and payment due
September 05, 2019: Jury Deliberations
September 19, 2019: Sponsorship Early-Bird Deadline
October 23, 2019: Sponsorship Deadline with Full benefits and program ads due
November 07, 2019: Networking Event & Awards Program
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
$15,000 Presenting Sponsor
Twenty (20) tickets to the Topping Out event with Presenting Sponsor recognition
Two (2) Reserved Networking Tables at the Topping Out Event with Premium Seating
Discount on Additional Topping Out Seating
Sponsor Logo displayed as Presenting Sponsor on front page of Toppingout.org
Sponsor Logo displayed at event as Presenting Sponsor
Sponsor Name and Logo prominently placed on front cover of event program as Presenting Sponsor (must commit to sponsorship by October 23, 2019)
Sponsor Logo included as Presenting Sponsor on all Topping Out electronic and print media reaches over 2,000 recipients
Sponsor Logo included as Presenting Sponsor on all Topping Out social media
Inclusion in Engineering-News Record Topping Out Print Advertising Campaign as Presenting Sponsor - October & December - reaches over 25,000 readers
Inclusion in Engineering-News Record Topping Out E-Newsletter Advertising Campaign as Presenting Sponsor - Twice a month starting August 2019 - reaches up to 20,000 readers
Complimentary full-page premium ad space on inside page 1 of event program (must submit program advertisement by October 23, 2019) - up to $720 value
Three (3) Scholarships given to UTA in your company name
Opportunity to present one of the Awards at Topping Out
1-minute brief marketing video played during event, and/or a live advertisement on-stage (Sponsor provided video)
Acknowledgment of your tax-deductible gift
$12,000 Platinum Level
Twenty (20) tickets to the Topping Out event with Platinum Sponsor recognition
Two (2) Reserved Networking Tables at the Topping Out Event with Premium Seating
Discount on Additional Topping Out Seating
Sponsor Logo displayed as Platinum Sponsor on Toppingout.org
Sponsor Logo displayed at event as Platinum Sponsor
Sponsor Name and Logo placed on front cover of event program as Platinum Sponsor (must commit to sponsorship by October 23, 2019)
Sponsor Logo included as Platinum Sponsor on all Topping Out electronic and print media reaches over 2,000 recipients
Sponsor Logo included as Platinum Sponsor on all Topping Out social media
Inclusion in Engineering-News Record Topping Out Print Advertising Campaign - October & December - reaches over 25,000 readers
Inclusion in Engineering-News Record Topping Out E-Newsletter Advertising Campaign - Twice a month starting August 2019 - reaches up to 20,000 readers
Complimentary full-page premium ad space on inside back page of event program (must submit program advertisement by October 23, 2019) - up to $720 value
Two (2) Scholarships given to UTA in your company name
1-minute brief marketing video played during event (Sponsor provided video)
Acknowledgment of your tax-deductible gift
$8,000 Gold Level
Ten (10) tickets to the Topping Out event with Gold level Sponsor recognition
One (1) Reserved Networking Tables at the Topping Out Event with Premium Seating
Discount on Additional Topping Out Seating
Sponsor Logo displayed as Gold Sponsor on Toppingout.org
Sponsor Logo displayed at event as Gold Sponsor
Sponsor Name and Logo placed on front cover of event program as Gold Sponsor (must commit to sponsorship by October 23, 2019)
Sponsor Logo included as Gold Sponsor on all Topping Out electronic and print media reaches over 2,000 recipients
Sponsor Logo included as Gold Sponsor on all Topping Out social media
Inclusion in Engineering-News Record Topping Out Print Advertising Campaign - October & December - reaches over 25,000 readers
Inclusion in Engineering-News Record Topping Out E-Newsletter Advertising Campaign - Twice a month starting August 2019 - reaches up to 20,000 readers
Complimentary half-page ad space in event program (must submit program advertisement by October 23, 2019) - up to $360 value
One (1) Scholarships given to UTA in your company name
Acknowledgment of your tax-deductible gift
$5,000 Silver Level
Ten (10) tickets to the Topping Out event with Silver level Sponsor recognition
One (1) Reserved Networking Table at the Topping Out Event
Sponsor Logo displayed as Silver Sponsor on Toppingout.org
Sponsor Logo displayed at event as Silver Sponsor
Sponsor Logo included as Silver Sponsor on all Topping Out electronic and print media reaches over 2,000 recipients
Sponsor Logo included as Silver Sponsor on all Topping Out social media
Inclusion in Engineering-News Record Topping Out Print Advertising Campaign - October & December - reaches over 25,000 readers
Inclusion in Engineering-News Record Topping Out E-Newsletter Advertising Campaign - Twice a month starting August 2019 - reaches up to 20,000 readers
Complimentary quarter-page ad space in event program (must submit program advertisement by October 23, 2019) - up to $200 value
One (1) Scholarships given to UTA in your company name
Acknowledgment of your tax-deductible gift
$2,500 Bronze Level
Five (5) tickets to the Topping Out event with Bronze level Sponsor recognition
Half (5 Seats) Reserved Networking Table at the Topping Out Event
Sponsor Logo displayed as Bronze Sponsor on Toppingout.org
Sponsor Logo displayed at event as Bronze Sponsor
Opportunity to advertise in event program at event discount (must submit program advertisement by October 23, 2019)Acknowledgment of your tax-deductible gift
$1,200 Contributing Level
Two (2) tickets to the Topping Out event
Sponsor Logo displayed as Contributing Sponsor on Toppingout.org
Sponsor Logo displayed at event as Contributing Sponsor
Opportunity to advertise in event program at event discount (must submit program advertisement by October 23, 2019)
Acknowledgment of your tax-deductible gift
Individual Tickets
One (1) Individual Ticket - $350.00 to the Topping Out Event
Two (2) Individual Tickets - $750.00 to the Topping Out Event
Three (3) Individual Tickets - $1050.00 to the Topping Out Event
Four (4) Individual Tickets - $1400.00 to the Topping Out Event
Five (5) Individual Tickets - $1750.00 to the Topping Out Event
Acknowledgment of your tax-deductible gift
Additional Sponsorships Available
Contact EventLink International at toppingout@eventlinkintl.com or 214-750-9236
Tax-deductible Gift
All proceeds benefit the non-profit organization the Architecture Chapter of the UT Arlington Alumni Association to fund UTA College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs (CAPPA) student scholarships and initiatives.
A significant portion of your sponsorship is tax-deductible as provided by law.