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Project Photo Submissions Form


The project photos that were provided at the time of your project submissions are too small.  We use these images for both the Topping Out website and in the production of poster sized project boards that are displayed during the awards ceremony on Tuesday, October 30th.  We were able to utilize the small sized images for the display of your project on the  website.  However, the resolution and size of the images are insufficient to use on the printed project poster boards.


Please click on the "Project Photo Submission Form" button below and complete the form and add replacement images. 


The images can be in .jpeg, .png, .pdf or .tif format.  They must have a minimum of 300 dpi, and they must be a minimum of 5 inches by 7 inches.

Time is of the essence as we need to print these project boards shortly.  The deadline to submit your replacement photos is Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 5:00 pm Central Time.  Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mark Jones at Eventlink International (949) 633-9803

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